Game of Thrones: Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy Season 6 Theory
The last we saw of Sansa and Theon they were leaping from the walls of Winterfell into a pile of snow at the bottom. Obviously to get away from the clutches of the evil Ramsay Bolton who has quickly become one of the most hated characters across television.
If you have read 'A Dance of Dragons' you would know that Theon escapes with Jeyne Pool who is posing as Arya Stark, married to Ramsay Bolton, he is then caught by House Umber who sends him to Stannis Baratheon and held prisoner and reunites with his sister Asha. Well with Stannis being dead we obviously won't see this happen, and there are a few ways it could go instead. The Umbers could take Theon and Sansa and use that against the Bolton's, but with the North being divided this won't be enough to gather support from enough Houses and the Umbers don't have enough men to challenge the Bolton's themselves.
Lets stick with my theory about Jon Snow being a badass who's come back from the dead. Both Theon and Sansa are caught by Wildlings and brought to King Jon, who recognises Theon and has him arrested pending execution, like in the book. Sansa on the other hand could also be arrested but also become Jon's ward depending on how Jon is. We know the World of Game of Thrones can be unforgiving and Jon could see that Sansa is a traitor by marrying Ramsay Bolton and also take her prisoner.
I don't know where it could go from there but there is also another way it could go.
Before being captured by Wildlings, being so close to Podrick and Brienne it could be convenient 'A Feast for Crows' the same could happen here but in the form of Jon Snow, she could challenge someone to a duel for the freedom of her friends but that is up for further speculation!
enough for them to meet up as well. It would also make sense seen as Podrick and Brienne are both captured by Lady Stoneheart and sentenced to death in
Well this was another theory! I can't wait for season 6 to come around! I would say the book as well but that's been delayed again -.- oh well, it'll come soon!
Thanks for reading! :)
If you have read 'A Dance of Dragons' you would know that Theon escapes with Jeyne Pool who is posing as Arya Stark, married to Ramsay Bolton, he is then caught by House Umber who sends him to Stannis Baratheon and held prisoner and reunites with his sister Asha. Well with Stannis being dead we obviously won't see this happen, and there are a few ways it could go instead. The Umbers could take Theon and Sansa and use that against the Bolton's, but with the North being divided this won't be enough to gather support from enough Houses and the Umbers don't have enough men to challenge the Bolton's themselves.
Lets stick with my theory about Jon Snow being a badass who's come back from the dead. Both Theon and Sansa are caught by Wildlings and brought to King Jon, who recognises Theon and has him arrested pending execution, like in the book. Sansa on the other hand could also be arrested but also become Jon's ward depending on how Jon is. We know the World of Game of Thrones can be unforgiving and Jon could see that Sansa is a traitor by marrying Ramsay Bolton and also take her prisoner.
I don't know where it could go from there but there is also another way it could go.
Before being captured by Wildlings, being so close to Podrick and Brienne it could be convenient 'A Feast for Crows' the same could happen here but in the form of Jon Snow, she could challenge someone to a duel for the freedom of her friends but that is up for further speculation!
enough for them to meet up as well. It would also make sense seen as Podrick and Brienne are both captured by Lady Stoneheart and sentenced to death in
Well this was another theory! I can't wait for season 6 to come around! I would say the book as well but that's been delayed again -.- oh well, it'll come soon!
Thanks for reading! :)
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