Film Review: Deadpool

I waited a good couple of years for this movie to come out, the one superhero movie that would be different to all other superhero movies out there. Deadpool was definitely worth the wait and promising almost everything that Ryan Reynolds said would be in the movie. Notice I said 'almost' I found the lack of Chimichangas quite disappointing and also the fairly conventional storyline, but that almost doesn't matter as the film is just as hilarious and weird as one expected!

Now let's look at the main reason why this film works, that happens to be Ryan Reynolds who is perfect for the role. He doesn't overdo it, nor does he underdo it, he manages to find the perfect
balance that makes the character so charismatic, witty and humorous. Straight away we are given a taste of his character and what to expect with possibly the best opening title sequence I have ever seen for a movie. Ryan spends the majority of the movie in the costume which looks just like the well known merc outfit from the comics. But conveying the characters attributes must have been difficult to do in the tight spandex outfit, nonetheless it is done well. Even elements of CGI were used to give the mask more expression and it was not overdone in any sense. Ryan Reynolds probably had his own separate script for the movie, because he doesn't stop talking the entire time. Then again if he did it would be full of one liners and monologues as he talks to the audience on more than one occasion!

There's plenty in this film to enjoy, especially the humour element which seems to do well in small and unexpected bursts. It's also the only film that could get away with a Ryan Reynolds lying on the floor of his house whilst his blind elderly flatmate builds a set of drawers from IKEA. But for me the most enjoyable scene had to be his first meeting with Colossus and, well let's just say there was an influence from Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight in there. It is definitely an action comedy and at times like a sitcom which is a strange mix but balanced out well!

I will say that the movie doesn't take much sussing out when it comes to the plot. Basically a story about revenge as Wade Wilson gets himself a girl, is diagnosed with cancer, comes across a research program that does cure him but is tortured and disfigured in the process, then spends the rest of the
film hunting down Ajax, the man behind this terrible program. We are given the sense immediately that he is not the kind of hero everyone wants to be. Instead of saving people he is hurting and killing others to find out the whereabouts of Ajax. It does work for Deadpool as it gives him the excuse he needs to be an anti-hero and we get to see some great and bloody fight scenes. Although this is a great plot, it is the very predictable and the outcome is not as surprising or thrilling as I thought it would be, I was a little disappointed in that sense!

Ed Skrein as Ajax was quite disappointing as he fails to become a threatening or good villain. I've only seen Skrein from that brief moment in Game of Thrones but he seems to be a good actor and I
feel he was a bit wasted in this movie. He spends most of the film being hunted and trying to stay away from Deadpool and we also don't quite understand the job he's doing either. Selling super slaves to rich people no doubt but there's no deeper meaning to it and making it the least important issue of the movie. I also think he recognises the threat of Deadpool a little too late in the movie and doesn't do anything about his presence. This doesn't make him much of a threat and quite a lacklustre villain as he sits back and waits for his ultimate demise. Gina Carano's Angel Dust is more of a meat-head than colossus and do what Ajax tells her to do, not making her much of an adversary overall!

I do like the addition of Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, seeing more of Colossus is great and taking on more of a comedic role separates him from his previous outings and making him more enjoyable to watch. I only wish they were used more as I would have loved to see what more they have to offer, particularly Colossus!

The choreography is brilliant, the action sequences couldn't have been better and it's great to see Deadpool using both Katanas and pistols!

All round a very good movie and enjoyable to watch. But I do feel it was restricted in some ways and could be opened up a bit more. Although I don't find this much of a problem for Deadpool's first outing as it is full of masterful comedy and action sequences that almost make the weaknesses of the movie not matter!

I Salute you for reading! :)

Here's a Chimichanga to celebrate this great movie! ;)


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