Film Review: Batman V.S Superman: Dawn of Justice
I went into this movie with mixed feelings hoping that they will
be resolved within the next 2 hours and 33 minutes. Well there were resolved
and I felt that the film was good, but it could have been better in a lot of
places. But in my opinion from what this film has it shows some potential for
the DC Cinematic Universe to do well and be totally different from the format
Marvel have. I have to say though, Rotten Tomatoes current rating of 30% for
this film is not an accurate projection of how the film actually is. Although I
wouldn't say the film should be up there with 90% or 99%, it definitely
deserves a higher rating than that.
Where do we start? Why not with Ben
Affleck's Batman! Let's just say the film has a lot more pace whenever he is on
screen, in a lot of ways it is reliant on his story and is slightly different
to other portrayals of the Dark Knight we have seen. Ben Affleck is confident
and strong in the role; we can see that he is damaged by his past which seems
to play a big role in the way he plays the part.
I do particularly like one
part where he's eyeing up Diana Prince whilst talking to Clarke and says
"Pretty women, old habits" (not a correct reference I can't remember
the actual quote). But it did make me giggle a bit as it shows a Batman who is
less interested in women and more focused on his priorities. I did particularly
enjoy the flashback scenes within the first half an hour as we see a young
Bruce witness the death of his Mother and Father and that dream with the bats,
although an odd dream it is it does have some symbolic nature to it as it shows
Bruce becoming Batman in a way. Another flashback scene shows the events of
'Man of Steel' from Bruce's point of view as he saves people’s lives. Showing a
grittier side to Superman saving the World as his success has consequences that
come in the form of people’s lives. Also showing how Bruce comes to hate
Superman, but why didn't he go there in his bat suit and Batmobile? Surely he
could have been more useful if he did!
Unfortunately, a lot of focus on Batman meant
that not a lot of focus was put on Superman. The first hour we don't see much
of Henry Cavill. The hate Bruce has for Superman is clear throughout and
would say a little overdeveloped, whereas Superman's hate for Batman is a
little unclear and underdeveloped as we don't see much of how he perceives
Batman as a problem. We see him question Bruce himself about the bat vigilante
and take some interest into The Dark Knight but it didn't feel like he any real
motive to go after him until the last 20 minutes or so of the film. Although he
definitely was the centre piece of everything, every action he would make would
provoke another reaction even greater than the last. You couldn't help but feel
sorry for him, especially with the scene in the middle-east as he is framed for
causing a lot of destruction. Even I didn't understand that until sometime
afterwards as it was kind of unclear that that's why he was scrutinised quite
heavily; although it did serve as something for Lois Lane to do in the movie,
without her investigation into it she would have had nothing to do for the
entire movie!
It was nice to see quite a lot of Gal
Gadot, although she had hardly any relevance to the story she helped set up the
Justice League side of the movie. Seeing her join the battle at the end with
Doomsday did feel a little underwhelming though. After joining Batman and
Superman the three hadn't really got to know each other that much and it didn't
feel like there was much chemistry between them. However, the fight scene was
epic and spectacle to behold with Wonder Woman showing us her bracelets, sword,
shield and even her whip, which I felt were nice additions compared to the
usual gadgets we see Batman with and Superman's laser eyes and fists.
Surprisingly one of my favourite performances had to
be Jesse Eisenberg who gave a terrific performance as a very different Lex
Luthor to one that we are used to seeing. Instead of being the greedy
we're all used to seeing, we see a psychologically troubled
character that puts a whole new perspective on how he is portrayed. As it
clearly shows why he would like to see the World burn and also his hatred for
Superman being visible throughout. He did also mention at one point something
about his father which suggested he was abused, adding to his psycho side of
things. If anything it's more of a modern day villain people like to see in
films and I think a lot of people had doubts about Jesse Eisenberg including
myself, but I really enjoyed this portrayal and was definitely my favourite
thing about the movie. I can understand why people would dislike his character though being very different and at times out of place in this movie. He did come across as quite bratty and at times annoying but I rather enjoyed it!
Zac Snyder is quite a frustrating
director, although he is good and has produced some great work in the past, I
can't help but feel... nothing after watching this film. Like something was
missing or something didn't gel right. Although the visual aspects of this film
were brilliant, the earlier scenes could have been edited and directed a bit
better as some parts felt disjointed and unclear at times. This film definitely
has the potential to be great and is a pretty decent foundation for future
films in this cinematic universe. There's a fair bit for them to learn about
and improve upon in future films but at least I'm not dreading any future DC
I Salute you for reading! :)
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